Who thinks working there must be one of the best jobs ever!?!
This time they sent me Little Paul. I know, Little Paul! If I was Paul I definitely would not want to be referred to as "little." And why Paul? Did Paul design it? These are some of the things I think about late at night. Sad, I know...

OK, OK, back to Little Paul.
Breathe, Katt, breathe. I'm loosing focus here. 'Cause I'm cracking myself up!
OK, so Little Paul. When I opened up the package my first thought, after I saw he was made in Germany, was that he's really smooth feeling. Soft, smooth feeling. Quite nice actually. I guess that's from the medical grade 100% silicone.
According to the description Little Paul is about half the size of his "colleagues." Since I don't have much to compare him to I'll take their word for it. He's definitely smaller than the real thing (yes honey, I mean you and by more than a "little"!). But he did hit the spot he was intended to hit. So yes, if you've been following the saga, I have indeed located my G-spot. Still working on getting it to perform as I'd like, but that's a post for another day.
Of course Little Paul vibrates, because whats the point if it doesn't, right? There are two push buttons towards the base that control the different vibratory variations. (I kept losing track of where the buttons were though, which was kind of frustrating.) There are increasing levels of intensity, and then a couple options with different pulsing variations. And it's quiet, which I really liked. No worrying you are going to wake someone up. Like
So, the Pros: discreet, very quiet, love the feel of the silicone, multi-speed vibration, definitely felt like a well made, quality item, cute (if you don't think about the eyes)
And the Cons: I didn't like the position of the push-button controls, the vibration wasn't powerful enough for me, moderately pricey at $47.99 (although again, good quality)
If you are looking for a good quality, discreet, G-spot vibe, and you don't require serious power in your vibration, I would say Little Paul is a good choice for you. I you require the powerz though, like I do, well, we'll keep on looking.