Well, I guess Karma had something else in mind for me, that bitch.
Turns out I can handle more balls
Especially when they come in the "my husband is in the ER with a cardiac condition" flavor. AKA the biggest, hairiest ball of them all.
So, instead of my husband telling me he has been feeling his heart race and do weird things for a few months and getting it checked out, he decided to wait until it was not only racing and jumping, but he was dizzy and short of breath. Fortunately, he works at a hospital and one of the nurse practitioners listened to his heart and immediately sent him to the ER.
I was in the middle of a meeting with Noah's behavior specialist last Thursday afternoon when he called to tell me where he was headed.
I told him I was on my way and on the drive managed to call our neighbors and ask if they could get Noah off the bus, call school and let them know so they could tell Noah to go to the neighbors and let the bus driver know who was going to meet Noah, and call daycare and let them know I would be getting Kiel later than usual. (juggling those balls)
To make a very long story
Cardiologist was brought in and sent Rich for an echocardiogram right after the upper endoscopy. The echo showed the right side of his heart was enlarged, which the cardiologist couldn't make sense of, so he sent him for a CT scan to check for pulmonary embolisms. If he was clear of blood clots in his lungs the plan was to do a cardiac ablation to zap out the bad signal that was causing the flutter.
At this point I freaked out and called my mom and told her I needed her and my dad to come out and help. They were surprised, but thankfully they packed up and drove from Michigan to help with the boys. I don't know what I would have done if they hadn't been able or willing to come.
I waited to have my freakout until I was in the parking garage of the hospital getting ready to go pick up Kiel from daycare. As I left the garage I handed the attendant my ticket, which he handed right back to me and said no, I need the blue ticket, this one is for the other garage. Of course I was crying, and that just sent me over into the ugly cry. I tried to find the ticket, but could barely see. By this time I was holding up cars behind me and the attendant was looking at me with a mixture of horror and disgust. He finally just said to forget about it and waved me on through.
The CT scan showed no clots in his lungs so they decided he could come home for the weekend if he wanted, and go back in to the hospital Monday morning for the ablation.
He came home for the weekend and I held my breath the entire time. Every time he moved he was out of breath and he could feel the funny rhythm in his chest. When he was sleeping if he stopped snoring I woke him up to make sure he was still alive. I was a nervous wreck.And I also realized just how much he does do around the house between taking care of the boys and cooking.

Fortunately a friend of mine took Noah to karate Saturday morning and he spent time with her son, while I took Stel to the vet.
The vet sucked, as it always does when you are putting a loved animal to sleep. It was time though, and I knew that.
They sent me home with a paw print made in "clay" that I had to bake to harden.
A friend of mine, Bella, my angel, came over to help me crisis clean for my parents visit. I can't even describe to you how awesome it was having her here with me and how much she did to help!
As the paw print was cooling on the counter Noah thought he would help by microwaving it. The in house fire alarm went off as the house filled with toxic black smoke. We were all upstairs and raced down to figure out was what going on (including Rich, who should not have been running). We sat outside on the deck for an hour and a half as the house aired out.
Bella and I stayed up late drinking wine and talking. It was very nice!
The next morning we woke up and our neighbor knocked on the door to tell us I had a flat tire. All I could do was laugh, really laugh. I mean really. Karma was losing her touch if that was all she could give me.
My parents arrived Sunday afternoon and the boys were just thrilled. I think they were happy to see the boys as well.
Monday morning we were back at the hospital for Rich to have the ablation. The procedure went well, but they found an atrial septal defect (ASD) during the procedure. It is a congenital condition, but since his heart has started to enlarge and he had the arythmia, they suggest he have it corrected before anything worse happens. We are waiting to find out if he can have it done via catheter (non-invasive) or if it will have to be done as an open heart procedure.
A hematologist came in to talk about Rich's anemia and they determined it was due to chronic iron deficiency from malabsorption. They gave him an iron infusion and will again weekly for another four or five weeks.
He came home Tuesday morning, well tuned up, but with future repairs needed, which we will figure out.
I realized through all of this that even when I think I've reached my limit I can manage what I have to.
I ain't afraid of no BALLS!
I am sorry that life is handing you hairy balls. I hope everything goes okay with Rich and your parents. Sorry about the kitty as well. I remember a freak out I had with parking attendent when I tried to go to the ER for dehydration and lost my debit card. Hospital ones can be a-holes. You think they'd have more empathy considering they work at a hosptial.
ReplyDeleteBleh, those are some big hairy balls all right. Hope you can keep juggling them, and that you can refresh your batteries once in a while! Love, Lies
ReplyDeleteMissing you! Down with hairy balls!
ReplyDeleteWow! What a week! Here's to hoping for a respite!
ReplyDeleteSee how bad ass you are?
ReplyDeleteOh no! Hoping Rich will be OK.
ReplyDeleteLove to you!
ReplyDeleteHugs to you all. Thank heavens for your wonderful support system! Best wishes for a peaceful April
ReplyDeleteYou are such a gem! !! I love you.