Sunday, August 31, 2008

Show and Tell - Adventure Aquarium

Friday we went to Adventure Aquarium in Camden, NJ. It was so crowded!

I guess every other family had the same idea we did, to try and fill up one more day before school started.

Noah had a blast, and over all he handled himself really well. Especially considering how crowded and noisy it was. I was proud of him!

Here he is petting the sharks.

My favorite part was watching the hippo's in the water. They were so amazing! Such huge animals swimming like dolphins. I loved how they get right up to the glass and look at you.

Kiel thought it was pretty cool too.



  1. Looks like you guys are having fun.

  2. The aquarium is always so much fun. I like looking at all the sharks but I would definitely not definitely have a brave little man!

  3. OK. You got back two days early. When are you going to share THAT story?! I'm dying to know how the trip went.
